Wednesday, November 24, 2010 @ 11:58 PM
look what came in the mail today! nope! is not new clothes, but a letter from jetstar! after reading this letter, i am a converted. budget airlines aint that bad afterall.

its a long story as to what happened, but basically, i booked the wrong flight timing and i couldnt get through their customer service hotline though i held on to the line for 40 mins. i had no choice, so i went to their website and make the change. However, i had to pay a penalty charge of $92 (I wouldnt need to pay if i can get them through the phone). feeling unjustified, i called them up the next morning and explain to them that they should refund me my $92 since it wasnt my fault that i didnt rang you them up to make the change, but their customer service line messed up and my call cant get through.. well.. obviously, they refused my refund.
so i wrote in to whatever department possible to bring this issue up. that was about 1-2 months ago. i received no news from them. i concluded that they are just gg to ignore me.
when i saw this letter popped on my table yesterday, i was prepared to read "Much apologies, but Jetstar will not by any means, make refunds"
but to my amazement, the content was not even near what i thought it would be. They apologised for my bad experience with their telephone hotline and THEY WILL BE REFUNDING MY $92 AFTERALL. this is not the best deal, on top of my $92 refund, they gave me another $50 Jetstar travel voucher. WOW. the guy who typed this letter, sure knows how to retain a customer. you bet i am damm happy.
though the amount of time they took to process my feedback was rather long (1-2 months wait!), at least they replied me with my desired answer, or in fact, exceeded my expectations on them. this is what customer service is all about!
and guess what! Pastor Phil preached about this during tuesday leaders' meeting when he shared about hospitality. one of the 7 points of hospitality is "DO EXTRA"
Jetstar did the extra for me and thumbs up for that! like what joanne peh said in her advert for them "THANK YOU JETSTAR" hahas, i am feeling that same joy. hahas
during tuesday meeting, my butterfly died :( her wings broke and can never be worn again. RIP.

this is what happens when you buy cheapskate rings from forever 21. hahas.
i met keith up today. he is such a sweetie. he waited for me for over an hour and he never even complain once. i felt damm guilty and angry at myself for making him wait for such a long time (this is like the second time already), yet he never get pissed off. in fact, he will be the one who cheer me up. where on earth do you get those kind of patience from? thanks for being so so so patient with me. i dont think i can ever find another replica like you.
headed to chomps chomps to eat since tml is DOOMS DAY (my wisdom tooth extraction), i had to eat seafood before i abtain from it for 1-2 weeks. my most sinful meal of the week! ordered seafood from the wrong store thought :( doesnt taste as good

my fav dessert! bandung milkcurd! (ok, maybe not my ultimate fav but still one of my favourites)
yeah, tml 1045am onwards, you wont be able to hear my sweet, beautiful voice. srsly, i am damm scared. this is my first op in the last 20 years of my life. i have no idea what to expect. please say a short prayer for me if you are reading this. i will love you for life. hahas. i have zero tolerance for pain. omg. i will be a brave soul.